I would love speak at your library, schools (any age or grade) or clubs about reading, writing, archery, story telling, etc. Depending on location, I can come in person or we can meet via Skype or Google Hangouts. Please email me at jwelliot1@gmail.com to make arrangements.
Bloggers, Book Reviewer and fellow writers:
Bloggers and book reviewers please contact me at jwelliot1@gmail.com to discuss one of the following options.
1) Free ebooks are available to serious bloggers or book reviewers. Please e-mail me with the book(s) you'd like to request. jwelliot1@gmail.com
2) I am happy to participate in interviews or guest posts! Just send me your questions or guest post topics. I will respond as quickly as possible. jwelliot1@gmail.com
3) Giveaways! I am happy to participate in a blog giveaway. Depending on the circumstances, I may provide either an ebook or a signed copy of a print edition. Please email me for more information. jwelliot1@gmail.com
4) I am happy to participate an any other book related events you can imagine