March 18, 2021 admin 1 comment

We’ve all seen movies where archers draw back flaming arrows and launch them into the ranks of their hapless enemies. Hollywood might overuse the trope, but it is based on historical reality. Arrows are perfect vehicles for delivering incendiary missiles. The earliest and simplest incendiary missiles were arrows wrapped in combustible plant fibers such as flax, hemp, straw (called tow), cocoa fiber, jute, oakum, etc. The first chemical used was pine pitch which burns hot,…

December 11, 2020 admin No comments exist

Last time, we discussed historic examples of arrows vs. armor. It is important to remember that both armor and arrowheads underwent continual improvement and innovation over time in a kind of arms race. As one improved, the other had to change or be made obsolete. If archers had had a clear advantage, armor would have disappeared because no one could have justified the cost and bother of armor. For example, specialized armor-piercing points that were…

November 5, 2020 admin No comments exist

Last time, we discussed the effectiveness of armor and the efforts of weapons makers to overcome the advantages armor provided. However, we need to guard against assuming universal effectiveness. Just because a point could penetrate an inch or two past the armor didn’t mean the wound would be lethal or incapacitating, though it may have sapped the will of the soldier to continue fighting. For example, an arrow that penetrated the outer armor and remained…

October 2, 2020 admin 1 comment

If you search for the subject of arrows versus armor online or in books, you will find considerable controversy. Some tests seem to suggest that arrows were useless at penetrating mail and plate armor. Others suggest that arrows could penetrate, but did very little damage. Still others argue that arrows were simply lethal and armor provided little defense. The problem with all of these tests is that they often do not use accurate period technology,…

August 1, 2020 admin No comments exist

I recently had a reviewer complain that I made my female characters in my Archer of the Heathland series too strong, that women couldn’t possibly compete with men physically on the battlefield. The historical record proves this notion to be completely wrong. I am a historian by profession, and I research my books. Even though I usually write speculative fiction in the fantasy and science fiction genres, I do my best to make sure my…