His mother is dead, and his father has disappeared. Kell Crawford embarks on a desperate quest to discover why, only to find himself embroiled in a battle of cosmic dimensions against skeletal priests, faceless shadows, a sweeping plague, and the remnants of human evil that threaten the final unmaking of all creation. To succeed, he must recreate the Keepers of the Light and confront the evil in an epic battle that can only end in his death.
This series can be described as The Black Prism meets Shadow and Bone. It is perfect for fans of Brandon Sanderson’s, Mistborn, John Gwynne’s The Shadow of the Gods, James Islington’s The Shadow of What Was Lost, M. L. Wang’s, The Sword of Kaigen, Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind, Brent Weeks’s, The Lightbringer series, and Leigh Bardugo’s, Shadow and Bone.